
Welcome to where I talk about marriage. I have been married for 5 years and have been with my wonderful husband for 9 years now. We married at 18 and I have learned so much since then. I am far from done learning but would love to share what I have learned so far with you and share what God teaches me along the way. As well as some other lighthearted content and ideas.

What does the bible say about marriage sex?

The bible has a lot so say on this subject both the do's and the don'ts. I want to talk about what the bible says in terms of what you should do because I feel it is often not talked about. There are verses in both the Old Testament and new on the subject that hold equal value to the modern Christian. I need to start this off by saying God created sex. He created it in the garden before the fall as a good and beautiful gift to Adam and Eve, the example of what marriage should be because this is also where God established the first marriage, Genesis 2:21-25. Sex is not something to be ashamed of or disgusted by. It is also not just a responsibility of one spouse to another although there is a little element of that which I will discuss later. Sex was given by God to a husband and wife as a celebration of His good creation and the ability to be cocreators with Him.

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Is sex better after marriage?

The world will try to convince you that you need to "try before you buy" and that to have a lasting marriage and a happy relationship you need to know if you are sexually compatible before you get married. This thought process doesn't align with God's word and there are consequences to doing things our way but there is also grace and forgiveness in Jesus. There are a few different perspectives I'm going to discuss on this question and give some advice to help you make the answer yes. This question, however, does not appear to have a straightforward answer likely because humans are subject to their will, and the area of sexual intimacy and its success in a relationship is primarily based on the determination of the individuals involved. I hope to help provide some statistics but also some ways to make your sex life grow as the years of your marriage go on.

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Why marriage sex is important

Why should you prioritize sex after marriage and especially after having kids? It is not uncommon to hear married women talk about sex as a duty to their husbands to fulfill their needs however, that is not a biblical perspective. There are many things that I believe we have learned either from culture or the church that is an incorrect perspective of God's design and intent for sex. I think this has resulted in many couples selling themselves short and missing out on all the good God has for them in this area.

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How to fall back in love with your spouse, dating tips

Dating can often get forgotten once you get married or become very difficult ones you have children, and most couples will experience a season (or possible multiple) where they feel like they have "lost the spark." Dating and continuing to pursue your spouse is so important to the health of your marriage and your whole family so it's important to pursue times with them dispute these challenges. I have learned that it's about choosing connection with your spouse even when everything else seems to be calling for your attention because a healthy marriage makes a healthy family and both those things are eternal which is far more important than a clean house. My husband and I have recently had the opportunity to do somethings that have really brought back some of those dating butterflies and I wanted to share them with you if you're feeling stuck in a bit of a rut. Maybe you can give one or a couple a try this valentines day/weekend.

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Are babies expensive?

In this post I will share about a very well-known couple who had a baby in the least likely times and under the most unconventional circumstances. This is honestly probably the biggest reason I hear people say they aren't ready for children but after having 2 of my own and really evaluating what they truly need I have begun to wonder if that is even a valid reason, and I will get into that in a little bit. I think that our culture and society has made us thing babies need way more than they actually do and the things they do need most of them can be found more affordably than most think too.

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Gift ideas for him

Christmas is right around the corner, and I don't know about you, but I always have a really hard time finding gifts for my husband so here are a few ideas of things my husband uses all the time and loves that I know a lot of men would really like that might work for the man in your life too. Some of these things are specific to Husbands or fathers so keep that in mind when reading this list however most of these will work well for any man. Now on to the gift ideas!

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Ways to have intimacy without sex

There are a few reasons a married couple might not be able to have sex, whether you just had a baby, are experiencing an deep illness, or some other reason these are some really good ideas to help maintain physical intimacy in your marriage during a season of sexual separation. I hope you are encouraged by this post to continue to grow and prioritize your marriage even when it might seem difficult.

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How often should you be having sex?

My husband and I will be married 5 years in December. When we first got married in 2018, I went on the birth control pill because I just thought that that was what I was supposed to do. Well as a result of that my hormones responsible for my sex drive were destroyed. I know this is what caused a dip in my sex drive because before we got married it felt impossible to keep it distance and uphold boundaries in our relationship and after I started the pill, I have had very little desire for intimacy with my husband.

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Is natural family planning a sin?

There are many differing opinions on the subject of family planning and how many children a couple should have as well as how they should be spaced but today were going to take a dive into what God's word says on the subject and discover God's heart for the family and marriage. I believe unknowingly many people hold a worldly view of having children and I was once one of them. There are several main reasons why people today choose to delay having children or not have them at all and I'm going to cover them here as well as what God has to say one the matter.

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Free and inexpensive date ideas for married couples

So, you're hear looking for date ideas and I have those for you but first I want to talk a little bit why dating your spouse even after having children is so important. A healthy home and healthy children start with a strong and healthy marriage. If you want what is best for them, you need to make your marriage a priority. When your children see you and your husband loving each other and serving each other it gives them peace and stability. So, in making your marriage a priority you are blessing your children too.

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What is Birth Control and should Christians use it?

The first thing I think we need to address is what even is birth control. I am far from an expert but will give brief overview of what I know here. Many people will simply say well it is a way to prevent pregnancy which is true in a way, but there are lots of different kinds. There is the most popular type, the pill which also has many different formulas but all of them are either estrogen, progestin or a combination, usually a synthetic form, that replaces your hormones to prevent ovulation.

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