It's no doubt that having children can cause anxiety and stress at times, here are some things I've done to work through some of those times.
There have been a lot of times where I have sat on the floor with both my girls, and we all were just sobbing in tears because we were all stressed frustrated and overall, just having a rough time. There have been moments where I am so frustrated that I've pounded my fist on the wall or threw my face into my pillow and groaned or I have had to just put my kids somewhere safe and walk away. I think most if not all parents can agree that these are moments, we have all faced at one point or another in raising our children and unless they're all out of the house we can likely expect to experience them again. Personally, I would like to get better at handling these situations and grow in the fruits of the spirit in kindness, patients, peace, and self-control so here are some things I have noticed make a difference in my response to situations. I am by no means perfect in this area, but these are things I've seen make an improvement.
1) Spending time in the word of God
Sometimes this is as little as a devotional that has 1 paragraph and a verse or 2. All I know is that the days I am intentional about spending time with the Lord I experience significantly more peace in myself and my home. Personally, this has been most effective for me if I can get up before my children and do this in the morning but there have also been days when I do this time with them awake or during their nap time. It makes total sense that when we read the Bible we would feel more at peace because we are spending time with the author of it. We also can find instruction on how to find peace and calm. One of my favorite Bible verses is Philippians 4:4-13 it outlines for us exactly how to turn away from anxiety and refocus our minds on the good and Godly things and then wraps it all up by saying that we can accomplish anything if God's strength is with us and when we are following His word, He will us because that is His will for us.
2) Pray
Pray for your children of course but also pray for yourself. Ask God to help your children be teachable but also that you would have the wisdom and patience to teach them. Ask God to help them be gentle and kind but also that you would have the self-control and tamed tongue to respond to them in a way you would like them to act in return. Also ask for God's presence to fill your home and surround your family so you are in an atmosphere that promotes peace and calm. Sometimes all we need to do also is to talk about what is hard for us in a situation and who better to talk to than the Prince of Peace and Love Himself, if we are truly listening and open minded when we talk to Him about our problems, He will also give us wisdom and direction as to how to handle our issues too.
3) Take a deep breath
I started doing this more often and I was shocked and impressed by how well it actually helped me calm down. Honestly, I started doing it more because it's what I tell my toddler to do when I can see her getting frustrated or about to throw something at or hit her sister or our dog, if I catch her soon enough this is also enough for her to calm down and it can often prevent a crying match for all of us. It also makes it, so I don't feel like shouting at her for a preventable situation by taking advantage of a teachable moment. Overall, the simple act of pausing for just a moment and taking a deep breath when I'm starting to get frustrated at my daughter saves us a lot of screaming crying and stress.
4) Music
432 hertz is really good for calming your central nervous system. Worship music is also great for helping you refocus your mind and attention on God and your purpose. Instrumental music is also helpful when you're trying to calm down. If all that fails some upbeat music will make for a fun dance party and it's hard to be frustrated, stressed or angry while dancing around your living room like no one is watching with your kids, this is a great way to just bring some fun in and lighten the atmosphere a little bit. I mean I don't think it's possible to be angry while laughing at your adorable toddler spinning in circles to one of your favorite songs.
5) Get off your phone!!
My Toddler gets most frustrated when I'm nursing my baby and, you guessed it, when I'm on my phone. When I am off my phone just about everything is better in the realm of emotions. I'm happier, my toddler is happier, my baby is happier, I'm more productive, I handle my dog better, things don't irritate me as bad and all that makes a huge difference in the stress levels, we all are experiencing. So do yourself and everyone a favor and get off your phone but especially social media and game apps. I've noticed recently that I actually feel sick after watching reels or shorts for just about any amount of time and I can't think of anyone who is more pleasant when they're feeling ill then when they're healthy.
6) Be honest with yourself about your time management
I can't tell you how many times I have evaluated myself (usually after a conversation with my husband) and realized that instead of caring for my responsibilities around the home and spending quality time with my girls I wasted it doing the very thing I just mentioned above that make me feel sick. I don't know about you but it's hard to feel calm and at peace when the couch is covered in unfolded laundry that the cat is covering in hair, the load you actually need washed is still dirty, the dishes aren't done, the dining room table is coved in stuff, and then your children are made because they just want you. When I'm and genuinely honest with myself on how I am spending my time and make an effort to improve that I see an improvement in my mood and that of those around me.
7) Get dressed
When I actually get dressed at the start of the day instead of halfway through, I feel so much better and more productive, this is something so simple that make a huge difference. I personally start to feel annoyed and dirty by my pajamas after being in them for too long if I don't get dressed so I am a much more agreeable and kinder person when I just get dressed. I was reminded of this because as I'm writing this, I'm sitting in my bathrobe from my shower thinking how annoyed I am with my "clothes" and would rather be in something a little more mom proof, so do yourself a favor and put something on that can handle the stress too.
8) Get some fresh air
A little fresh air does wonders for a person's mental health especially little people. I know it can sometimes be hard in the winter but even if you as the mom just take a step outside for a few minutes to cool off, (literally and figuratively here), it can make a huge difference. When the weather is nicer or if you have the bandwidth to dress everyone up go for a short walk, I find that even just 5 minutes down the road tends to be enough, to put everyone in a little better of a mood.
I hope these tips were helpful for you and here you some ideas of things to try next time the air is getting heavy or beforehand to prevent some mental breakdowns. leave a comment with some ways that you help to loosen up and keep the calm in your home. For more ideas read this post How to create an atmosphere of pace in your home.
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