Are children a burden?

Published on 15 December 2023 at 10:45

Discussing what it means for Children to be a gift.

We have talked about this before on here a few times and I'll link the posts at the end of your interested in more on this topic, but I was thinking about this idea that children are a gift from God and reflecting and what a gift is, and it reminded me of a Christmas in my childhood when I was around 9 years old.


At this Christmas my grandma got me a calendar and being a child I thought this was a stupid gift. What fun is a calendar I want toys and even clothes would have been more fun I thought. I even cried and told her that I hated it. I know really nice of me to say to my grandma. My mom or maybe my grandma then took me aside and told me more about this gift, it wasn't just any old boring calendar, it was filled with games and coloring activities on each page. I'm sure I felt like a real jerk and petty dumb once I discovered that it was actually pretty cool and was for kids.

I think we can often have this same perspective on children. We misunderstand their purpose and what they truly are which results in us telling God oh no, I don't want that gift it doesn't look like or sound like anything I want from my perspective. If we actually open God's word and see the truth about children and what they really truly are we will discover that our perspective is pretty silly and that in some circumstances, we have treated God rudely in denying His good beautiful and even fun gift of children and life.


Now let's reflect on gifts and gift giving. Think about this concept, someone who loves you more than anything and knows everything about you, if they get you a gift you know it's going to be good right. Those people in our lives don't buy us useless trinkets or generic items that would make just anyone happy, the gift is thoughtful and intentional to meet our specific interests and personality because those people know us. Gifts from those people can often also be something you didn't know you needed or would have wanted but it is the perfect thing and makes a difference in your life. How much more so would a gift from God be perfect for our lives. He knows us better than anyone ever could, and He knows exactly what we need, a gift from Him will always be anything that brings us joy and fills a need in our lives we didn't know we had.


Now imagine if that person who knows you so intimately offered you a gift and you said to that person without even unwrapping it that you didn't want it because whatever it is will make your life harder or you're not ready for it yet is simply that you just don't want it. Can you imagine how hurt that person would feel especially since you don't even know the impact the gift would have on your life because you didn't even open it. I think this is how God feels when we deny Him the opportunity to give us the good gift of children. All God desires for His children is to bless them with God gifts that He knows will have a great impact on our lives and the ones of those around us. We also as Christians are created to honor respect and serve God with our whole lives and I believe denying God the opportunity to bless us is a good way to disrespect Him.


We have the ability and responsibility to choose to honor God with our whole lives and our whole bodies when we choose to receive them as a gift and a blessing. My 2 daughters are the biggest joys of my whole life and I never thought that I could live and adore someone or something as much as I love these girls, I told God not yet for 3 years and robbed myself of the opportunity to another 1, ,2 maybe even 3 more precious souls because my husband and I didn't think we could handle a gift from God. You do t have to make the same choice we did, you can choose to have an open heart, mind, and womb to the good things God might have in store for you. I can't guarantee if you will have children or not because the power of life and death are in God's hands and only, He can truly open a womb but leaving that decision up to Him will give you a freedom you didn't know you were missing.

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